Regular blogs giving you our take on all things estate and asset planning – all the information you need, with none of the confusing jargon.

How to Write a Will
Your Will is a crucial legal document, which can make starting one a little daunting! We’ve put together this handy guide with the essential steps for how to write your Will, including what you’ll need and where you can find the best legal advice. Making a Will: Where to Start Before you sit down to

What Is Estate Planning?
Thinking about your death is never pleasant, but it is essential if you want to take care of your loved ones. With a good plan drawn up by legal professionals, you could avoid losing assets and prevent your loved ones from missing out on the gifts you want them to receive. Estate Planning Essentials Estate

Can Writing A Will Save You Money?
Writing your Will is often viewed as an unnecessary expense – but can it actually save you money in the future? When planning your finances, you want to leave as much of your estate as possible to loved ones. However, several factors could lead to your assets being lost which is why a well-written Will

The Dangers of DIY Will Kits
Your Will is a vital legal document. Without one, you risk your wishes not being followed through. Despite this, many people still fail to prepare a proper Will due to the popularity of DIY Will kits. These kits promise to be simple, easy, and cheap but can lead to future complications after you pass away.

Understanding the Nil Rate Band
The nil rate band may have come up throughout your estate planning process, or perhaps this is the first time you’ve heard of it. Either way, understanding it is essential when writing your Will and deciding what to do with your assets, as it can greatly impact what you can leave to your loved ones.

Wills, Estates, and Divorce
Divorce can be a big factor to account for when estate planning and writing your Will. Whether you or your children are facing a divorce, or you just want to take certain precautions to protect your assets, it is worth being aware of how divorce can affect your estate planning. How Can Divorce Affect Your
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